Tutoring/Academic Coaching - Online via Zoom Platform
Academic Coaches and students log onto Zoom sessions using link provided by TRU-Impact staff
Currently offered: Monday - Thursday
Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Students bring homework, test preparation materials, etc.
Students are matched with Academic Coaches with subject matter expertise
Students and Academic Coaches work together for 90 minutes in Zoom breakout rooms
Debriefing is held at the end of each session for both students & coaches
2021/22 School Year - Hybrid Schedule
Academic Coach
TRU- Impact coaches are local college students committed to community service and making a difference. Learners are matched with coaches that have specific subject expertise.
Beyond the college/university students in the Rochester area, coaches also include a diverse base of volunteer team members including: teachers, retired school teachers, certified youth workers and experienced childcare providers.
As we strive to meet the needs of our learners, TRU-Impact continuously recruits additional volunteers from an array of organizations. All coaches complete a thorough application process which includes a background check and ongoing training efforts.
Impact Coach
Each student will receive an Impact Coach “Mentor” to work as the liaison between the School Administration, Academic Coaches (Tutors), Parents & Community resources.
Impact Coaches support learners and serve as the liaison that keeps each branch of TRU-Impact connected by monitoring successes, goals, and being proactive in identifying any personal needs or mental health issues.
Learners are junior high and high school students. Based on the schedules and school times, learners are able to receive the one on one attention that is not necessarily available to them. In addition to academic coaching, we have implemented a remarkable mentoring program for our learners.
They have the opportunity to build relationships with young adults that are available to provide encouragement, lend an ear and relay feedback to the TRU-Impact staff to ensure that any and all support students may need is available to them. This includes one on one check-ins as well as virtual group discussions and activities that are aimed at the issues youth face today.
How we impact families
TRU-Impact understands the significance of the family unit and its role in the success of our students. We have implemented “family night'' via the Zoom platform whereby all family members, learners, academic coaches and TRU-Impact staff come together for a couple of hours to socialize, play games and get to know each other. It is important to TRU-Impact that families are able to also connect with the coaches and mentors who support and interact with their children. TRU-Impact assists in navigating and connecting families to resources that are available within the community.
Boys 2 Men (B2M)
B2M is about continual growth for not just the learner but for the Impact Coach as well. Some topics discussed focus on what it means to be a man such as “Toxic Masculinity'', and our core values starting with “What does Integrity look like”? Other focus areas are reading, healthy eating and being active by working on our bodies through sports and exercise. B2M meetings take place via Zoom and in person twice a month. Impact Coaches create opportunities for young men to express themselves through questions and discussions driven from their own experiences.